Oswego Village Board agrees to donate land for new fire station

Oswego Village Board members have approved a land donation agreement with the Oswego Fire Protection District for a site for a new fire station designed to address projected growth on the town’s east side.

The board voted unanimously to donate a one-acre parcel at the southwest corner of Wolf’s Crossing Road and Devoe Drive to the fire district, which intends to use the land as the site for its fifth fire station.

The agreement was approved by the board March 18.

“A couple of years ago the fire district approached the village with interest in the land for a fifth fire station,” Oswego Village Administrator Dan Di Santo said in his report to trustees.

The village acquired land in 2022 for the widening of Wolf’s Crossing, Di Santo said. The village needed a portion of land in front of 500 and 460 Wolf’s Crossing. However, the project would have brought the new roadway too close to the existing homes, officials said.

The property owners preferred the village acquire their entire properties rather than a portion, which it then did, according to officials. The village was then left owning approximately one acre more than was necessary for the road-widening project, Di Santo said.

“Once the fire district determined that the size, layout and location of the excess property was sufficient to construct a fire station, the village in 2023 offered to donate the land to the fire district,” Di Santo said.

The village agreed to donate the property at no charge to the fire district, he said.

Some of the terms of the agreement include that the fire district will have a 180-day feasibility period to inspect the property before accepting the donation, and that the real estate closing will take place 30 days after the expiration of the feasibility period or at a mutually agreeable date, according to village officials.

Linda Girardi is a freelance reporter for The Beacon-News.

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