Popular Clarendon Hills ice cream shop, The Daily Scoop, has uncertain future

The future of The Daily Scoop, the popular ice cream shop in downtown Clarendon Hills, remains uncertain after business owner Chuck Kaufman was informed by the property management company that owns the building of a coming significant rent increase.

The Daily Scoop, 7 S, Prospect Avenue, has been open since Feb. 22, 2002, and operates on a seasonal basis, usually opening on the first weekend of March and closing at the end of October.

KDL Equities purchased the 5-11 Prospect Avenue parcel in 2022, said Colleen McCormack of CPMM, Inc. property management company and property manager for KDL. She said that just before closing on the purchase of the property in 2022, and unbeknownst to KDL, the previous owner extended “the already below market value leases for this location with no increase in rent.”

“KDL honored the leases, even though they were significantly below market value in 2022 for this location,” McCormack said.

She said Kaufman, who last signed a lease in 2021, which ends in November, requested an extension to the lease in February 2024 and negotiations were started.

“Those negotiations halted after the Scoop presented a price stating that it must be the price of ‘X,’ which again was still below market value, which we declined,” McCormack said. “Imagine someone appraising your property at $1 million, but someone was telling you that you must sell it at $750,000.

“If you’ll take that deal, I have a minimum of 10 buyers to present to you. I tend to believe you would either not counter or counter with what you felt was the appropriate price.  Possibly the person can’t afford your house, conversation over. This is a business. It is a private business transaction.”

Kaufman said he was told his lease increase would be 45%.

“They are entitled to their opinion, but this isn’t Hinsdale or even an updated building,” he said.

Kaufman said he is hopeful that something can be worked out to allow him to stay open in his current storefront.

“If not at 9 S. Prospect, somewhere in downtown Clarendon Hills would be great,” he said.

The scenario going on between The Daily Scoop and the property owner has been a big topic of discussion on Social Media, particularly on a Clarendon Hills Moms Facebook page. And Kaufman has received an outpouring of support.

“We were unaware of the frenzy that was circulating the community,” McCormack said. “We were disappointed on many levels that the information lacked authenticity and a complete picture. We will provide the additional information requested to ensure factual information may circulate the community.”

McCormack added that inaccurate pieces of information have “just fueled an already frenzied issue in the community.”

Village Manager Zach Creer said Village officials have met with CPMM, Inc., but not with the actual property owner. He also said the Village has been in contact with Kaufman about the situation.

“We have been talking to Chuck for a few months, at least trying to think proactively,” he said. “We suspected this day may come; however, ultimately we are here to facilitate, and it’s ultimately Chuck’s choice on what he wants to do. We are hopeful we can find a spot.”

Chuck Fieldman is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

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