Registration coming soon for growing Aurora lawn mowing program for seniors

Registration is coming up soon for the city of Aurora’s Special Lawn Mowing Support Program, a growing effort designed to help seniors and individuals living with disabilities care for their lawns.

The program was launched in 2023 and served 75 homeowners its first year, 100 last year and is set to help 125 homeowners this year, city officials said.

Katrina Boatright, manager of the Senior and Disability Services Division for Aurora, said the lawn assistance program was born out of listening sessions with seniors conducted a few years ago.

“When I first started with the city, we held these senior listening sessions and that was where I heard the needs of those in the community that came from seniors and how they needed support as they aged in place,” Boatright said. “This is one of the things that stood out. We asked, how can we provide support for those who chose to stay in their home but not really take care of everything at home? This was a simple way for us to partner with contractors to see how can we provide this service.”

Boatright said seniors continue to take pride in their homes and being unable to care for their lawns becomes “more of a stress.”

“This is a small way that the city could partner to maintain their lots and make sure they are in compliance and we know the seniors like seeing their grass done and their house kept up,” she said. “This is a way we can help them continue to age well and enjoy life.”

Boatright said lawn care for the program is done by contractors “who have agreed to partner with us at a decent rate and want to help advocate for our aging population.”

“We’ve been given a decent bid to make sure we can service them and the contractors will go out and do it,” she said.

She said the program has been popular.

“Over the years, as the word has gotten out, we have a long wait list,” she said. “The need is growing and the more people that find out about it – we know the need is high. We know that it’s a great benefit to the recipients of the program because they have said, ‘We wouldn’t be able to do this’ … or ‘I don’t have any family and I’m not capable.’ It’s a real blessing that the city can support them in this way.”

Registration for the Special Lawn Mowing Support Program will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20. To register, go to or call 630-256-4636 for assistance in completing the registration form.

To be eligible, participants must live within Aurora’s city limits, must be 62 years old or older or an individual with a disability living independently, must have a serious medical condition, must be financially unable to cover the cost for lawn mowing assistance, cannot have anyone 62 years old or younger living with them that is capable of mowing the lawn, and do not have any nearby family, friends or neighbors willing to help mow the lawn.

Those who meet the eligibility criteria can register to be considered. Those approved will be prioritized based on greatest need and program service capacity, city officials said.

Those who register will receive a letter in the mail before the end of March informing them if they have been approved or not approved to receive service this year.

Boatright said the city “has tried to be as streamlined as possible” with the program but continues to focus on those with the most need.

“Age makes a difference, if they have disabilities or various medical conditions or no family, those kinds of things kind or prioritize people,” she said.

For more information on the program, call city of Aurora Customer Services at 630-256-4636.

David Sharos is a freelance reporter for The Beacon-News.

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