Two memorials unveiled at Montgomery Park

A crowd of more than 200 people was on hand Monday as the village of Montgomery dedicated two memorials – one to veterans and the other to first responders and essential workers – at Montgomery Park.

Montgomery Village President Matt Brolley kicked off the ceremony at the Fox Valley Park District park at 301 N. River St. in downtown Montgomery by saying the monuments stand as a tribute to those who have served our nation and for those who will serve in the future.

State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego, was on hand and said the memorials are fitting tributes. She said she is proud of her military service and said that her son is in the military now.

“I think every monument that honors our first responders and our veterans holds a huge honor to each community for what they do, their sacrifices,” Kifowit said.

The hour-long ceremony included the Kane County Chiefs of Police Association Honor Guard, bagpipes and the national anthem sang by U.S. Army veteran Denny Wiggins.

Montgomery Police Chief Phil Smith led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance and members of the Montgomery Memorial Post 7452 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars performed the unveiling of the monument honoring veterans.

Brolley read an inscription on one side of the memorial which says: “In honor of the past, present and future men and women who selflessly served our country on the front lines and the families who supported them from home.”

The monument for first responders and essential workers was unveiled by members of the Montgomery Public Works Department. Brolley read the quote that is on one side of the memorial from President John F. Kennedy: “What really counts is not the immediate act of courage or valor, but those who bear the struggle day in and day out – not the sunshine patriots but those who are willing to stand for a long period of time.”

The memorials are part of upgrades to the park, which will be in the spotlight again during the annual Montgomery Festival, which is centered at the park and set to run this year from Aug. 16 to 18.

Judy Pochel is a freelance reporter for The Beacon-News.

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