Two new Lake Forest D67 principals announced; ‘I couldn’t be happier that we … can fill roles from leaders within (the school) districts’

A reorganization of the Lake Forest District 67 administrative team continues, as two district veterans are set to take on new roles during the 2024-25 school year.

Superintendent Matthew Montgomery announced at a Feb 27 school board meeting that Michelle Shinn, the district’s director of school improvement, will become the principal at Deer Path Middle School East, where fifth and sixth graders attend.

Megan Eigenrauch, the current principal at that school, will move over to Everett Elementary School, one of the district’s three kindergarten-through-fourth grade schools.

Megan Eigenrauch, the current principal at Deer Path Middle School East, will move to Everett Elementary School as principal next school year. (Photo courtesy of Lake Forest District 67)

“I couldn’t be happier that we have a level of expertise that we can fill roles from leaders within (the school) districts,” Montgomery said at the meeting.

Shinn is moving back to a familiar role at District 67. While she has been in her current position for the last five years, previously she was the principal at Sheridan and Everett elementary schools.

“I’m thrilled to be back in a building with kids and the teachers,” she said in an interview. “It’s a great opportunity to work at another level in the district.”

Shinn spoke about what she expects at Deer Path.

“Our fourth graders seem so prepared and so old,” she said. “When they get to middle school, it is really a big adjustment. Seeing how we can do a better job of bridging that for our fourth graders entering into the fifth grade, and making sure their middle school experience is as much fun as their elementary school experience has been.

District 67 veteran Michelle Shinn is set to be the new principal at Deer Path Middle School East in 2024-25. (Daniel I. Dorfman/Pioneer Press)
District 67 veteran Michelle Shinn is set to be the new principal at Deer Path Middle School East in 2024-25. (Daniel I. Dorfman/Pioneer Press)

“I’ve been able to see the excitement of them going off to middle school, and it is such an interesting time in their lives,” Shinn said. “I’m excited to have that opportunity to impact that transition, and be able to be their starting point for their education in middle school.”

Eigenrauch said in a statement, “Deer Path will always hold a very special place in my heart. I will miss the Deer Path students and staff, yet I am equally excited about all the relationships I will build while serving at Everett.

“With my DPM 5/6 experience, I know what is needed for our children to thrive in middle school and look forward to bringing that perspective to my work at Everett,” she said.

The new roles for Shinn and Eigenrauch follow the February announcement that current Everett Principal Renee Fitzsimmons is being promoted to an assistant superintendent position for both District 67 and Lake Forest High School.

Montgomery said the changes would go before the board for formal approval at a school board meeting later this month.

Sam Paulsen will remain principal at Deer Path West, where seventh and eighth graders attend, according to District 67 spokeswoman Melissa Oakley.

“Dr. Shinn’s responsibilities will be reallocated among other District leadership, providing significant cost savings and a reduction in headcount,” Oakley said in a statement.


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