Wellness Coach Berniece Hunt Reveals The 5 Keys of Brain Health for Staying Sharp At Any Age On Influencers Radio

On a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, board-certified Wellness Coach Berniece Hunt discussed her strategies for increasing brain strength that helps clients to stay sharp and live their best lives.

Cognitive health issues are something most people are likely to face at some point in life. It could be mild cognitive decline such as brain fog, inability to focus, memory loss, or more severe forms like Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

According to ​​Bernice Hunt, staying sharp is merely a matter of practice. Just like a personal trainer helps to maintain a fit body, Bernice is a “Brain Trainer,” providing the practical tips, tricks, and tools needed to maintain cognitive health throughout every stage of life.

During the interview, Bernice shared the ‘Five Keys of Brain Health’ that can improve focus, clear the mental fog, and even delay and possibly prevent the cognitive decline and long-term memory loss associated with aging, saying, “I have developed a program based on the five keys of brain health and I call it the things that your brain needs. I took the word NEEDS, and I turned it into an acronym for the five keys that you need to work on. And that is your Nutrition, Exercise, Enhancement, and by that I mean all of the stimulating things that you do for your brain, enrichment you give your brain through your lifestyle activities. De-Stressing, which includes detox, and Sleep.  So nutrition, exercise, enhancement, de-stressing, and sleep are the keys to brain health. Those are the things that we work on. It’s not a magic bullet. It is a combination of things that you weave into your lifestyle. And really, it’s about tweaking your lifestyle, because what I find is that some people are better at some things than others. Some people say their exercise is fine, but their sleep may not be good, or their nutrition comes and goes, or they don’t know how to de-stress. So we just tweak your lifestyle. Unless you’re a person that regularly eats Twinkies and hot dogs, and the baby is up to four o’clock in the morning, you’re not gonna have to make any really drastic changes, but you are going to have to tweak some things.”

As a board-certified Wellness Coach specializing in brain health, Bernice provides the care and support needed by individuals who are facing cognitive decline and long-term memory loss – or those who’d just like a little boost.

To listen to the full episode, visit https://influencersradio.com/bernice-hunt

To learn more about Bernice Hunt, visit https://keepyourbrainsharp.com/

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