Work begins to widen Route 71 between Oswego and Yorkville

Work is underway to reconstruct and widen more than four miles of Route 71 in Kendall County, officials with the Illinois Department of Transportation said.

The work zone is from Orchard Road in Oswego to Route 126 in Yorkville, according to a press release from the department about the road work.

The $32.9 million project will reconstruct Route 71 from a two- to a four-lane highway with a raised median, officials said.

Other work to be done as part of the project includes the installation of storm sewers, box culverts and traffic signals, according to the release.

Initial work will be off-road, with traffic being controlled by flaggers, officials said. The project is scheduled to be completed in late 2026.

Drivers can expect delays and should allow extra time for trips through the area and be prepared for slow and stopped traffic, according to the release.

Illinois Department of Transportation officials advise drivers to avoid the work area when feasible by using alternate routes.

Drivers are also urged to pay close attention to changed conditions and signs in the work zones, obey the posted speed limits, refrain from using mobile devices and be alert for workers and equipment during the project, according to the release.

The project in Kendall County is part of the state’s Rebuild Illinois program. Over the next six years, the Illinois Department of Transportation is planning to improve more than 3,200 miles of highway and nearly 9 million square feet of bridge deck as part of Rebuild Illinois, which is investing $33.2 billion into all modes of transportation, officials said.

Officials said residents can view area construction details on the department’s traveler information map at

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