Zion man charged with possession of child porn

A Zion man has been charged with possession of child pornography after police said they discovered illicit images during a search of his home.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office said Christopher J. Abernathy, 37, was charged with two felony counts Tuesday after the search of his home in the 2300 block of Joppa Avenue.

Police said they received information that someone at the residence was downloading child pornography images and videos and saving them to a cloud storage account.

Officers obtained a warrant which was served Tuesday by sheriff’s deputies and members of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office Cybercrime Unit.

The sheriff’s office said it uncovered dozens of images of child pornography on electronic devices belonging to Abernathy.

Lake County prosecutors are seeking to have Abernathy detained until trial.

“We continue to increase our resources devoted to investigating and arresting those engaged in child abuse,” Sheriff John Idleburg said. “Whether it be sexual abuse or physical abuse, we are going to do everything we can to keep our children safe from predators.”

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